Original Japanese:
サロマ湖100kmへ向けて皆さんがんばってますね。 今日の佐呂間(4月22日)は昨夜からの降雪で9㎝
積もりました。 佐呂間町内でもサロマ湖100kmに出場される方々が練習されて いる姿を拝見します。 6月30日5:00湧別町スタートまであと2か月少々です。
BING!’s translation:
Good morning.
Lake Saroma 100 km towards, and you guys do the best. Today Saroma ( 4/22 snowed a 9 cm snowfall from last night.
Saroma Saroma 100 km to town also contestants are practicing to please. 6/30 5:00 Kamiyubetsu Town start until two months little is.
Google’s translation:
Good morning. I have everyone working hard towards Saroma 100km.
I estimate 9 cm in snowfall from last night Saroma (April 22) of today. I I see your figure that is practice those who are competing in Saroma 100km in Saroma town.
5:00 Yubetsu town start the 30th June is the month to little or two later.
My translation:
Good Morning. People who will be running the 100km Saroma Lake Marathon are training hard these days.
Today in Saroma (April 22nd) we had 9cm (3.5in) of snow accumulate overnight. Even now you can see the competitors in the ultramarathon practicing in and around Saroma.
Only 2 more months until the start in Yubetsu Town – June 30th at 5:00am!